Friday, June 29, 2012


Who said twins are supposed to look alike? I would put some more words here but it is hard to type with Logan in one hand.

Sister likes to cuddle with her brother

Happy to be home


  1. Can't wait to hold those granbabies!

  2. Awww!! Sweet! Thank you for sharing pics of those sweeties together! Now we need a whole family pic! :)

  3. So cute! Amie--Logan looks like you! I cant tell about Leila yet! :)

  4. Thank you for the pics. They are just precious. I have a feeling you both better get used to doing things with 1 hand! I hope they are sleeping at the same time and that you both are able to get some rest with them home. Keep the updates coming, I love reading and seeing the pics.

    Love you
    Auntie P
