Last time we asked for prayer for Leila again. The neurosurgeon looked at her head ultrasounds, decided that what they were seeing was not urgent and indicated that they would follow her as an outpatient!
The doctor also decided to do a study that all NICU babies get before they leave. It's a study to see oxygen and pulse levels over a period of twelve hours to determine if the baby needs to go home with oxygen support. They took Leila off all oxygen support earlier this week and she has done fairly well with only a little trouble when she eats. Tomorrow, they will review the study results and then, as the resident doctor put it, we will begin making bigger plans.
Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Da (That's the fat lady warming up). That's right. I didn't stutter. Our days in Chattanooga are numbered and I think I can count them on one hand.
That doesn't mean that all our challenges are over. We still have some challenges to overcome, but at least we will be in our own home. God has been good and brought us through some tough times.
Statistics show that only 50% of babies born at 25 weeks of gestational age go home... We are taking home two 25 weekers. I dare you to tell me there is no God and that he doesn't work miracles. I know from experience that he does.
Psalm 34:4
I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Older picture but still cute |