Today was a boring day. If you've ever had a baby in the NICU or have visited the NICU you know that boring is what you want. When the nurses have a boring day, that's a good thing. Leila had Lori for her nurse again. Lori told me she decided to take on just Leila for the day because she had kept her busy by herself the past couple of days. However, she said today she spent most of her time in the rocking chair. That's a good feeling. When the doctor came by for rounds this morning she was encouraging. All of Leila's blood work, cultures, diapers, oxygen levels, etc. all looked good. She is keeping her blood sugar and blood pressure up which was a concern for a couple of days. They had also slightly been able to reduce her oxygen rate. Miss Leila is still in very critical condition. She still has her heart murmur and intestinal issues. She will have another head scan tomorrow to find out if the blood on her brain is better. Hopefully, we will have many more boring days.

My beautiful baby girl
Logan is still doing great. They are actually getting him closer and closer every day to completely coming off his ventilator. Today was Brian's first chance to hold him. Let's just say Daddy was a little nervous and stressed with all the attachments but Logan loved it!
I am continuing to pray for you glad to hear you had a boring is awesome to see the pictures of your beautiful babies..sending hugs.
ReplyDeleteWe are all praying hard for your little ones. There are stories on the NICU walls hear of former patients and what they went through and how they are now. I meant to copy one of the stories to share with you but didn't get it done. It is about twin boys born at 25 weeks. Both of them were incredibly sick. They had the blood in the brain, infections, perforated intestines, meningitis, and a hole list of other issues. They are doing great now. It is amazing what they went through. Leila is in the best hands of all, Gods. Nothing is impossible and I know that heaven is being shaken with all of the prayers for your little ones. There are people all over this state and other states and even at least one other country praying for yours and our babies. My husband and I have been praying hard for your family. I definitely understand what you mean about boring days. It is so great that you get to hold Logan. Mine are 3 1/2 weeks old today and I just got to hold Noah for the first time but only for 20 minutes while they got his new bed ready. I am glad you are getting to enjoy this time with him. We won't stop praying.