What a crazy month it's been! We decided it was time for us to leave Tullahoma behind and find a house that is a little bigger for our family that is now a little bigger. We also wanted to be a little closer to our families. We got an offer on our house after just 9 days of being on the market! Moving is hard anyway, but as you can imagine it feels almost impossible trying to do it with two babies. We close on our new home this week and we can't wait to get settled again!
In the midst of the chaos Logan has decided he is ready to start walking. He took his first steps not long ago. Thankfully it was in front of Brian and I both. We both wanted to see that and we got to. What a fun moment!
He's also getting to be a little booger :). He has started smacking the spoon away when I try to feed him and he throws fits when I try to change him. He now knows how to tell you he wants more food by waving his hand towards himself and/or saying num num. He knows what num num is! That boy will eat till he makes himself sick!
Leila is doing wonderfully! She thrilled her therapists this week by crawling on her own alternating her arms legs just like she should. She's my mini-me and my constant little sidekick and I wouldn't have it any other way! She continues to amaze us!
They had their first experience in a swimming pool yesterday. The water was cold and it didn't go well...Oh well, it was a fun first anyways.
We can't have a blog post without some pics and videos so here ya go :)
The basket was laying on the chair and Logan decided to pull it down. This was the result...Mean Momma found it funny and took pictures before helping him get out :) |
My mini-me! |
He likes to rearrange furniture :)
and randomly play peek-a-boo!
First time going swimming! |
Such a contagious laugh!
Walking! Here's a few steps...